Following his best-selling Dear Dad (1989), comedian Anderson continues to wax funny-serious about his family (which is the F word he refers to in his title). Although admitting that "some of us have a better chance of defeating Tiger Woods at the Masters than fixing our families," Anderson nevertheless shares the wisdom about families that he's gained over his nearly 50 years of life--and he has an incredibly large family to have gained experience from. His 49 tips for getting along in family situations are woven into an autobiographical and completely honest narrative about his relations with his parents and his siblings. Tip 33 directs us to remember that parents are only human--they don't know everything. Tip 36 asks us to look at the friends we have and notice how they reflect one's own family. Ultimately, of course, we cannot fix our families, and Anderson leaves us with the good word that he no longer needs to try, and neither do we. Nothing revolutionary here; just good, common, supportive sense. 
Brad Hooper
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